RCCG Pastor Who Stabbed And Killed His Wife Begs Gov Ambode For Pardon - Naijatoolkit / 9ja Gossip Expert

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RCCG Pastor Who Stabbed And Killed His Wife Begs Gov Ambode For Pardon

Akolade Arowolo, a youth pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, who killed his banker wife, Titilayo, with 73 other inmates of the Kirikiri Maximum Prisons, yesterday, sought pardon under the Lagos State Prerogative on Mercy conferred on the Governor, claiming they are reformed and should be pardoned.

Akolade, who was sentenced to death by an Ikeja high court three years ago after he was found guilty of his wife’s murder on June 24, 2011, was seen in prison, pleading that he needs another chance to right his wrongs.

His pleading came as the Committee on Prerogative on Mercy said that the state will not fail to exercise its prerogative on prisoners, who proved to be reformed. Arowolo was among 74 prisoners called out by the committee, led by Professor Oyelowo Oyewo, set up by the governor to review their applications.

The committee was on a fact-finding visit to the prisons to have first hand information from the inmates that are eligible for mercy and pardon.

Arowolo, who delivered a remark on behalf of his fellow inmates, pleaded for mercy, stressing that they are all remorseful and have learned from their mistakes. .

Chairman of the committee, Oyelowo, said the governor will act on the committee’s recommendations based on the rules and guidelines set by law for the committee to conduct its work.

Anybody still considering RCCG a house of God had better wake up oh!

Look carefully at RCCG and see that the more you look the less you see.

In the bible it says that everything was shared amongst those who had and those who did not.

Acts 2 (KJV)
44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread 

Look at the RCCG pastors, they are rich and their congregation poor.

Just the fact that RCCG put their Pastor into govt and the killings of Christians increased in Nigeria,
should tell you that something is wrong with RCCG.

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